LMA.Automate: Your Questions Answered

Use Cases
I am a lawyer in a law firm that is not advanced in document automation, how can LMA.Automate help me? • I am a lawyer in private practice and my firm already uses another document automation service. How does this platform differ from other document automation platforms and why would it help me save more time? • I am an in-house lawyer, so I don’t draft syndicated loan agreements anymore. Presumably the platform is just for my external legal counsel? • I am a lender. Given this is a document automation platform, presumably it is just for my lawyers?

Bilateral Facility Agreement
Who is the bilateral facility agreement intended to be used by? • What are the benefits of a bilateral facility agreement via LMA.Automate? • How could the template be customised to benefit a user even further? • Why has LMA.Automate produced this document now and why is there no equivalent in the LMA suite of documents?