Email subscription and safe sending

Having problems receiving LMA emails
If you are having problems receiving LMA emails, please action the following:
- Please check first you are on the relevant distribution list by logging in and checking your email preferences.
- If you still do not receive alerts, please see below to find out further information about the software we use to send out emails and what steps can be taken to aid deliverability.
Safe Sending
As required by English law, every marketing email sent must give the recipient the ability to unsubscribe from further emails. To provide for this, the LMA uses Adestra to send out all its marketing emails and manage subscriber preferences.
You can find out more about Adestra here.
Please see below for information on how to add the LMA as a safe sender:
What IP addresses does Adestra use that I should whitelist?
If you are having trouble receiving emails from our email software provider to your network, you may want to ask your IT team to whitelist Adestra's IP addresses.
IP Addresses => IP range to => IP range from to => IP range from to185.54.75.255 => IP range from to
Please also be aware that emails will now be addressed from "LMA Alert" ( as the from name (not Melanie Hutchings).