African Loan Documentation Course

African Loan Documentation Course
3 days: 29 - 31 October 2019
Hemingways Nairobi, Mbagathi Ridge, Nairobi, Kenya

This 3 day course is aimed at those working in Africa in the banking and institutional investor markets and the legal profession, looking to gain a more in-depth understanding of the LMA primary documentation.

Who should attend

All bankers, institutional investors and members of the legal profession (both in-house counsel and those in private practice) who are looking to increase their understanding of the principles behind LMA primary documentation and common negotiation points on cross-border African deals.

This course is only open to members of the LMA only.

Individuals will need first to have logged on using their username and password in order to be able to apply.

The course fee is £750 + VAT which includes course materials, refreshments and lunch. Payment is expected in advance of attendance. Those who cancel their attendance on/after 4 September 2019 will be eligible for the full cost of the course.

Click on Event Agenda above to view the outline of the programme.

Please note, delegates will need to have watched the 'Introduction to Syndicated Lending' webinar before attending the course.Event details

Duration:  3 days: 29 - 31 October 2019
Who can attend:  Members Only
Price:  £750 + VAT
Status:  Registration is not yet open

Contact Name:  Chelsea Brown
Contact Email: