Developing Loan Market Conference


Developing Loan Market Conference
26 April 2016, 9.30 am - 6.30 pm
The Grange Tower Bridge

On 26 April 2016, the LMA held its third annual Developing Markets Conference in London at The Grange Tower Bridge Hotel. Right from the start, this event has been hugely popular with our members, with last year's conference attracting over 300 delegates. This year, we had equally high delegate numbers and were delighted to have some of the most senior and experienced professionals working in the developing markets speaking on our conference programme.

Despite recent market volatility, developing markets continue to offer attractive investment opportunities.This conference offered an ideal forum for our members active in developing market jurisdictions to listen to senior market practitioners discuss key current trends and issues to be considered when lending into these markets. The programme focused on developing markets in CEE, CIS, Russia and both North and Sub-Saharan Africa.

View conference briefing

Duration:  26 April 2016, 9.30 am - 6.30 pm
Who can attend:  Members Only
Price:  Free Event
Status:  Registration is not yet open

Contact Name:  Meike Martin
Contact Email: