Developing Markets Conference


Developing Markets Conference
26 April 2017, 09:00 - 17:30, followed by drinks and networking
ETC Venues, 155 Bishopsgate, London, EC2M 3YD

This was the LMA's fourth annual Developing Markets Conference in London, and some of the most senior and experienced professionals working in this market spoke at the event.

Despite recent market volatility, developing markets continue to offer attractive investment opportunities. This conference offers an ideal forum for our members active in developing market jurisdictions to listen to discussions on key current trends and issues to be considered when lending into these markets. The programme focused on developing markets in CEE/CIS, the Middle East, Turkey and Sub-Saharan Africa.

For the first time this year, the conference agenda comprised a plenary morning with the afternoon split into two breakout sessions; one focusing on CEE/CIS, Turkey and the Middle East; and the other Sub-Saharan Africa.

Conference Summary

Click here to view a summary of the key themes from the event.


Click here to view the Developing Markets Snapshot with David Chmiel, Managing Director at Global Torchlight. In a survey conducted of LMA members before the conference, global macro-economic and political stability was seen as being the most important factor for growth in the syndicated loan market in developing markets. We asked David for his views.

LMA Developing Markets Survey Results

Click here to view the results.

Video Clips

Video – Africa Economic Update
Video – Middle East: Opportunities and Challenges
Video – Mitigating Risk: the means to an end
Video - CEE/CIS Economic Update

Duration:  26 April 2017, 09:00 - 17:30, followed by drinks and networking
Who can attend:  Members Only
Price:  Free Event
Status:  Registration is not yet open

Contact Name:  Meike Martin
Contact Email: