Istanbul Afternoon Seminar
Istanbul Afternoon Seminar
16 March 2017, 13:30 - 19:00
Intercontinental Hotel, Asker Ocagi Cad No.1 34435 Taksim, Istanbul, Turkey
We are holding a half-day seminar on 16 March 2017 at Intercontinental, Istanbul. Presentations will be delivered by senior professionals working in the market who have first-hand experience and knowledge of the industry.
The seminar will cover the following:
- Hot topics
- Update on energy market legislation
- Rise of public-private partnership transactions
- Taking security under Turkish law
- Overview of the Turkish syndicated loan market
This event is free of charge and for LMA members only.
Members will first need to have logged on using their individual username and password in order to view the red 'Book Now' icon below and apply.
If you do not have a username and password, click here to create one. If you have forgotten your password, click here.
Duration: 16 March 2017, 13:30 - 19:00
Who can attend: Members Only
Price: Free Event
Status: This event is now oversubscribed.
Contact Name: Darcie Bone
Contact Email:
Istanbul Afternoon Seminar
16 March 2017, 13:30 - 19:00
Intercontinental Hotel, Asker Ocagi Cad No.1 34435 Taksim, Istanbul, Turkey
Nicholas Voisey, Managing Director - Loan Market Association
- Central Bank's measures to increase liquidity
- Case law update on cross-border jurisdiction clauses
- Introduction of additional core capital requirements for systemically important banks
Ayesha Waheed, Partner - Latham and Watkins
Işıl Okten, Partner - Ak Law Firm
An overview of the material changes to the energy market legislation during the past year.
Kaan Saadetlioglu, Lawyer - Yalçın Babalıoğlu Boso Attorney Partnership
Mete Yegin, Partner - Yegın Cıftcı Attorney Partnershıp
Kerem Güzel, Vice President, Business Development - Limak Yatırım, Enerji Üretim İşletme Hizmetleri ve İnşaat A.Ş.
Zeynep Kantur Ozenci, Principal Investment Officer - IFC
Onur Büyükbozkırlı, Director - ICBC Turkey
- Overview of how to take security in Turkey
- Look at new law of pledges over moveable assets in commercial transactions
İrem Su Karasalih, Senior Associate - Yegın Cıftcı Attorney Partnershıp
Overview of the Turkish syndicated loan market, opportunities and challenges to be aware of and outlook for 2017
Hulusi Horozoğlu, Assistant General Manager, Head of Wholesale Banking and Investment Banking - HSBC
Simten Ozturk, Manager at Project & Acquisition Finance - Garanti Bank
Levent Cem Eğritağ, Senior Vice President, International Banking Division - Akbank
Sule Topcu Kilic, Deputy Country Director, Turkey - European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Michael Emery, Head of EMEA Syndications - IFC Syndicated Loans and Management Department