Amsterdam Early Evening Seminar
Amsterdam Early Evening Seminar
2 October 2018
Stibbe, Beethovenplein 10-1077 WM, Amsterdam, Netherlands
We are holding an evening seminar in Amsterdam on 2 October 2018 on "EURIBOR/LIBOR – Update on the interest rate benchmark reform", which will cover:
- an update on the interest rate benchmark reform
- the outcome of the euro risk-free rate consultation
- the ISDA consultation on new benchmark fallbacks for derivatives contracts
- consequences for the syndicated loan market
The seminar will be presented in English.
Speakers will be:
- Marjolein de Jong-Knol, Global Interest Rate Benchmark Coordinator - ING Bank N.V
- Kam Mahil, Director, Legal - LMA
- Robert Steeg, Counsel - Stibbe N.V.
Registration and refreshments will open at 16.15 hrs, with the seminar starting at 17.00 hrs. The seminar finishes at 18.00 hrs and is followed by a drinks reception open to all attendees.
Members will first need to have logged on using their individual username and password in order to view the red 'Book Now' icon below and apply.
If you do not have a username and password, click here to create one. If you have forgotten your password, click here.
Duration: 2 October 2018
Who can attend: Members Only
Price: Free Event
Contact Name: Lauren Garbutt
Contact Email: