LMA.Automate Workshop
LMA.Automate Workshop
Wednesday, 8 June 2022, 2.30 - 5.30, followed by drinks
ETC venues, St Paul's, 200 Aldersgate, St. Pauls, London EC1A 4HD
We will be holding an LMA.Automate Workshop for members in London on 8 June at ETC Venues, St Paul's.
This event offers a unique opportunity to try the LMA.Automate product in an informal and interactive environment. Differently from all previous LMA.Automate demos and workshops, this event offers attendees the unique opportunity to receive one-on-one, in-person, real-time guidance and assistance from LMA.Automate personnel as the attendees try the LMA.Automate product live on their own laptops throughout the event. In addition, attendees will (if they wish) be able to sit together with colleagues from their own institutions (also attending the event) in a more informal and relaxed setting, which will facilitate a real-life team experience of the LMA.Automate product (all the while with LMA.Automate personnel on hand to assist them with any questions which might arise). All of this will give attendees the opportunity to explore the LMA.Automate product in-depth, trial it and see how it could enhance their day-to-day working lives and those of their clients.
This event is for LMA members only and attendees are asked to bring their own laptops for the purpose of accessing the LMA.Automate product.
Sessions will be run by the following speakers:
David Howorth, Director - Avvoka
Deborah Orlando, Counsel - Banking - Allen & Overy
Keith Taylor, Managing Director – LMA
Amelia Slocombe, Managing Director & Head of Legal - LMA
Please note, it is not compulsory to attend the first session if it is not relevant to you and your area of business. When registering however, please indicate whether you are attending OPTION A: which is all three sessions or OPTION B: which is only the last two.
We would encourage all delegates to stay at the end to join the networking drinks.
Members will first need to have logged on using their individual username and password in order to register below and apply.
If you do not have a username and password, click here to create one. If you have forgotten your password, click here
Duration: Wednesday, 8 June 2022, 2.30 - 5.30, followed by drinks
Who can attend: Members Only
Price: Free Event
Contact Name: Alice Dainton
Contact Email: alice.dainton@lma.eu.com
LMA.Automate Workshop
Wednesday, 8 June 2022, 2.30 - 5.30, followed by drinks
ETC venues, St Paul's, 200 Aldersgate, St. Pauls, London EC1A 4HD
In this session attendees will explore, under the guidance and assistance of LMA.Automate personnel, how to self-automate documents on the platform. This session will be especially useful to attendees who, within their institutions, are responsible for drafting and maintaining standard form documents.
In this session attendees will explore, under the guidance of LMA.Automate personnel, how to: (i) collaborate with colleagues within their own institutions to produce a first draft of a document on the platform; (ii) negotiate that document with a third party institution on the platform; and (iii) make the most of the data collected within that document by using the platform’s analytics functions.
In this session attendees will have the opportunity to ask any questions they have not already asked during the previous sessions. These questions might include topics such as document pipeline, downstream integration with institutions’ data collection and management systems, etc. The session will be open and unstructured, so as to ensure that attendees have the opportunity to ask anything they wish.