LMA Zurich Seminar
LMA Zurich Seminar
5 April 2022, 13.30 - 17.15, followed by drinks
Marriott, Neumühlequai 42, 8006 Zürich
We are delighted to be returning to Zurich to run an afternoon seminar for our members. This event will cover:
What's hot and what's
not: Legal hot topics panel discussion
The wider picture: Economic and market outlook
Syndicated lending:
Trends in the Swiss and European loan markets
Sessions will be delivered by senior professionals from major banks and law firms active in the Swiss/wider European syndicated loan market. All sessions will be presented in English.
This event is free of charge and for LMA members only.
Members will first need to have logged on using their individual username and password in order to 'Book Now' and apply. If you do not have a username and password, click here to create one. If you have forgotten your password, click here.
Under FAQs is a note about the hotel's current covid policy.
Duration: 5 April 2022, 13.30 - 17.15, followed by drinks
Who can attend: Members Only
Price: Free Event
Contact Name: Alice Dainton
Contact Email: alice.dainton@lma.eu.com
LMA Zurich Seminar
5 April 2022, 13.30 - 17.15, followed by drinks
Marriott, Neumühlequai 42, 8006 Zürich
Event FAQs
Note from Zurich Marriott Hotel:
The hotel does not require a Covid certificate or the wearing of a facemask while attending an event, visiting our restaurants or during a hotel stay.
Please be ensured that your safety is still very important to us. All hotel employees will continue wearing facemasks and the hotel will keep providing disinfectant stations in various locations.
If you are travelling from another country, make sure that you check for any potential travel restrictions here: https://www.bag.admin.ch/bag/en/home/krankheiten/ausbrueche-epidemien-pandemien/aktuelle-ausbrueche-epidemien/novel-cov/empfehlungen-fuer-reisende/quarantaene-einreisende.html