Munich REF Conference


Munich REF Conference
Westin Grand Hotel, Arabellastraße 6, 81925 München, Germany

The LMA held its third annual Real Estate Finance Conference in Munich on 1 June 2016. This is a popular event for our members in Germany which this year, attracted in excess of 150 delegates and some of the industry's most respected and senior professionals as speakers. It provided an ideal opportunity to network with peers and discuss the key issues and challenges impacting the REF market today.

Session topics included:

  • Spotlight on the European economy and impact on CRE
  • Nearing the peak? Outlook for CRE markets in 2016
  • Spotlight on the CRE bank lending market
  • Documentation: trends, challenges and the LMA document six months on
  • Keynote address - the borrower perspective
  • Legal hot topic session - NPL's
  • Case study - city development finance
  • Non-bank CRE investment: who, where and why?

The conference was in German.

Who can attend:  Members Only
Price:  Free Event
Status:  Registration is not yet open

Contact Name:  Meike Martin
Contact Email: