Real Estate Finance Documentation Virtual Training
Real Estate Finance Documentation Virtual Training
24 February 2021, 09.30 - 16.45 UK time
Due to the on-going pandemic, we will be holding our next Real Estate Finance Training virtually on 24 February 2021. Presentations will be delivered by senior professionals working in the market who have first-hand experience and knowledge of the industry.
The training will cover the following:
- Negotiating a REF intercreditor agreement
- Key borrower negotiation points on the LMA REF Investment Facility Agreement
- Guarantees, security and assignments under REF transactions
- Real estate due diligence
- Development finance
Each session will end with a live audio Q&A where speakers will answer questions sent in from delegates during the live transmission.
Webinar instructions
The training day is based on the assumption that delegates will have viewed the webinar on Introduction to Real Estate Finance before the training day, available on demand on the LMA website.
The training day will not cover material already covered by the LMA webinar.
Once your place has been confirmed, you will receive a detailed agenda (including specific release times for each session during the day and how to join) closer to the time of the training.
This event is free of charge and for LMA members only.
Members will first need to have logged on using their individual username and password in order to register and apply.
If you do not have a username and password, click here to create one. If you have forgotten your password, click here.
Duration: 24 February 2021, 09.30 - 16.45 UK time
Who can attend: Members Only
Price: Free
Status: This event is now oversubscribed.
Contact Name: Eloise Puffett
Contact Email:
Real Estate Finance Documentation Virtual Training
24 February 2021, 09.30 - 16.45 UK time
Hannah Vanstone, Legal Associate – LMA
- Typical negotiating points and potential pitfalls
- Key mezzanine/subordinated lender points
- How do negotiations vary depending on the parties
- Different structures in the current market
Scott Simpson, Partner – Linklaters
Philip Gore, Managing Associate – Linklaters
Jane Cheong Tung Sing, Partner – Clifford Chance
Claire Fawcett, Senior Associate – Clifford Chance
Laura Smallcombe, Senior Associate – Clifford Chance
- Guarantees
What’s difficult about guarantee?
What are the guaranteed obligations
- Security
Fixed Charges
Simon Johnston, Partner – CMS Cameron McKenna Nabarro Olswang LLP
Stephanie Flynn, Senior Lawyer – CMS Cameron McKenna Nabarro Olswang LLP
Paula Inglis, Senior Associate - Hogan Lovells
Deborah Orlando, Counsel – Allen & Overy