Uganda Afternoon Seminar

Uganda Afternoon Seminar
16 July 2018, 14:00 - 17:30 hrs, followed by drinks and networking
Kampala Serena Hotel, Kintu Road, Kampala, Uganda

We are delighted to announce the expansion of our events programme in East Africa and to be holding for the first time an Afternoon Seminar in Uganda on 16 July 2018.

This event is open to both LMA members as well as non-members. The seminar will close with a drinks reception which will offer a perfect opportunity to network with both speakers and delegates who are actively working in the local/wider African syndicated loan markets.

Session topics include:

  • Ugandan Economic Update
  • LMA Activities and Documentation
  • Lending in Uganda: how to bring liquidity to where it is needed
  • Loan market documentation trends and legal hot topics
  • Debt turnaround and recovery strategies
  • US, EU and UK legislation and the impact on cross-border lending

Registration will open at 13:30 hrs, and the seminar will start promptly at 14:00 hrs. The event will be followed by a drinks and networking reception starting at 17:30 hrs.

This event is free of charge and open to LMA members and non-members.

To register:

LMA Members

Please login with your username and password and click the Book Now button below to register online.


Please email Darcie Bone ( providing your name, email address, job title and organisation.

Duration:  16 July 2018, 14:00 - 17:30 hrs, followed by drinks and networking
Who can attend:  Members/Non Members
Price:  Free Event

Contact Name:  Darcie Bone
Contact Email:

Book Now