Virtual Certificate Course

Virtual Certificate Course
Monday, 12 April - Thursday, 15 April 2021

Given the success of the 2020 sessions and the very high demand, we are pleased to announce that we will be running our Virtual Certificate Course again from 12 to 15 April 2021. This course is a revised online version of our popular and highly-regarded LMA Certificate Course and we are offering our members the opportunity to attend for free.

For an overview of the topics that will be covered, please click on the Agenda tab of this web page.

Please note that in order to maintain the exclusive nature of the course, the number of places will be limited so register now to secure your place.

Terms and conditions:

Due to the limited number of places available, if you have registered for this course and are no longer able to attend, we ask that you notify us at least 7 working days prior to the start of the course so we can reallocate your place to someone on the waitlist.

You will receive a detailed agenda (including specific release times for each session during the day) and further instructions after your registration has been confirmed. You will need to have watched every sessions to be eligible to receive a certificate at the end of the course. We expect delegates to follow the course every day and encourage them to participate in the Q&A after each session. If, due to work commitments or time difference, you miss a session release, you will be able to view it on-demand from the end of the release day until 23:59 GMT on Friday, 16 April, after which it will be removed and it won't be possible to watch the sessions anymore.

The course is open to members of the LMA only. Individuals will need first to have logged on using their username and password in order to be able to register.

Duration:  Monday, 12 April - Thursday, 15 April 2021
Who can attend:  Members Only
Price:  Free
Status:  This event is now oversubscribed.

Contact Name:  Melissa Vesin
Contact Email: