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The Future of Fund Finance in Europe

Fund Finance Insights series
The Loan Market Association (LMA) is delighted to announce the release of the first in our Fund Finance Insights series, an initiative aimed at enhancing understanding and engagement with this vital asset class.

Our inaugural paper, Tracing the History and Evolution of Fund Finance in Europe, uncovers the long-standing tradition of innovation and resilience within fund finance, challenging the perception that it is a relatively recent phenomenon.

Add The Evolving Outlook for NAV Financing podcast

There has been much talk about the growing role of NAV financing in fund finance. Whilst this is not a new product, it has been receiving increasing attention. In this LMA Talks Loan Markets we sat with market senior leader to unpack the future of NAV financing.

LMA responds to ESMA consultation on draft RTS for open-ended loan originating AIFs

Today, we responded to ESMA’s consultation on the draft Regulatory Technical Standards on open-ended loan originating alternative investment funds.

The LMA welcomes ESMA’s approach in providing a harmonised implementing framework tailored to the specificities of OE LO AIFs, allowing managers to demonstrate to their respective NCAs that they can maintain an open-ended structure.

We believe that the framework should be aligned with market trends aimed at meeting investors’ increasing demands for alternative investment strategies with a liquid profile.

Read the full response here

Featured Resources

Data Intelligence

Launched in January 2025 with The Drawdown, this survey gathers independent insights into the Fund Finance market. A comprehensive anonymised report will be shared with respondents soon.

Documents & Guidance

Access the LMA Documentation Hub where you can filter and search for Fund Finance-related documentation

Regulatory / Industry Consultations

Access information on key regulatory developments and consultations impacting the Fund Finance market.

Fund Finance Insights

Fund Finance Insights is our regular publication which provides insights to enhance understanding of the market.