Legal & Regulatory

Regulatory changes often have unintended consequences, so we have a vital role in mitigating any possible negative impacts on the loan product, whether generally, or in relation to specific sectors such as leveraged, real estate or commodity finance.

Whilst we have made significant progress in addressing the adverse effects of regulation for our members, undoubtedly, changes in the regulatory and general legislative landscape will continue, not least arising from the regulatory response to Covid-19, as well as potential opportunities to bring about positive change.


CRDVI: New licensing requirements for cross-border lending into Europe by A&O Shearman

This briefing by A&O Shearman summarises the new regime, its implications for firms providing cross-border lending into the EU and possible options for continuing lending into the EU once the Directive has been implemented.

LexisPSL Banking & Finance Quarterly Briefing

In this briefing, the LexisPSL Banking and Finance team looks at the recent case of Re UKCloud Ltd (in liquidation) [2024] EWHC 1259 (Ch). This case, in which the court looked at whether a charge over Internet Protocol (IP) addresses was fixed or floating, follows and builds on the decisions of Spectrum and Avanti.

Developments in Ukraine: The Latest Global Sanctions and Export Controls

This briefing by Clifford Chance examines the most recent worldwide sanctions and export controls imposed on Russian nationals and organisations by the US, EU, UK, Poland, Japan, Singapore, Australia, and Ukraine. It also considers the responsive measures taken by Russia. The sanctions and responsive measures discussed are those as of 05:00pm BST on 21 June 2024.

EU Foreign Subsidies Regulation: A new set of wide-reaching powers for the European Commission

This briefing by Norton Rose Fulbright examines the European Union’s Foreign Subsidies Regulation (FSR) covering what counts as foreign financial contributions under the FSR, the European Commission's (EC) investigative tools, as well as practical considerations. The LMA has also released a spotlight interview with Clifford Chance on the loan market impact of the EU Foreign Subsidies Regulation. This can be accessed on the LMA Player.