Spotlight on the ISDA July 2018 consultation on benchmark fallbacks
We have now made available on our website a video interview with Neil McLeod, Head of Group Treasury Markets Trading at Erste Group Bank AG, which considers the ISDA consultation on IBOR fallbacks published in July 2018.
ISDA is amending its standard documentation to implement fallbacks for certain key IBORs. The fallbacks will be to the risk-free rates (RFRs) that have been identified for the relevant IBORs. The consultation paper seeks input on the approach for addressing certain technical issues associated with adjustments that will apply to the RFRs if the fallbacks are triggered. The interview discusses, amongst other things: (i) what the adjustments are designed to achieve; (ii) the importance of the consultation to all market participants; (iii) the proposed approaches to term and spread adjustments; and (iv) next steps.
Whilst the ISDA consultation is focused on derivatives, any outcomes could impact the cash markets either directly or indirectly. It will be important for institutions to review the consultation and come to their own view as to the suitability of the options outlined in it
Click here to access the ISDA consultation documents.
This video interview, filmed in September 2018, is the latest in a series of LMA Spotlights on key regulatory and topical issues.
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