Market Information
Secondary Market Volumes
Each quarter, Markit and Thomson Reuters LPC produce a report summarising European secondary loan market volumes, using data provided by market participants, which they kindly permit us to publish. Any queries on the report should be directed to the data provider. We are not responsible for the content or availability of data provided by third parties.
Loan Operations and the Syndication Process
The operational/settlement aspects in the syndication process are far-reaching and have a significant impact on the efficiency of the process. This LMA publication is intended to outline the various typical, individual steps in the process with specific focus on potential obstacles and possible solutions.
LMA Operations Committee collates settlement statistics
In close co-operation with the LMA Loans Operations Committee, the LMA has begun collating settlement statistics from major European trading banks. Submitting institutions have agreed that median and mean figures for par and distressed settlement times be published on the members' website on a consolidated and anonymous basis. Given the skew from outlying data points we believe the median figure to be more relevant for the purposes of benchmarking and analysis.