News & Publications
We endeavour to keep our members informed about the initiatives and projects that we are working on via a monthly update digital newsletter covering all areas of activity, and more targeted monthly digital newsletters for ESG and LIBOR. We also regularly post on our LinkedIn account, which you can follow here, and issues press releases on important annoucements.
We also produce a range of guides and books to broaden our members' understanding of different aspects of the loan market.
To subscribe to our various e-communications, please access your personal profile and amend your subscriptions.
As part of our new sustainability drive, all our guides are available in digital format only.

LMA publishes Fund Finance Glossary
The LMA is pleased to have published a Fund Finance Glossary. This is intended to help drive efficiency in, and understanding of, the market.
The fund finance market is increasingly in focus and is ever evolving. Different terms are often used to describe the same thing (think sublines and capital calls) and there can also be instances of parties speaking at cross-purposes (think recyclable and recallable capital). This can create inefficiencies in practice.
Fund Finance Insights series
The Loan Market Association (LMA) is delighted to announce the release of the first in our Fund Finance Insights series, an initiative aimed at enhancing understanding and engagement with this vital asset class.
Our inaugural paper, Tracing the History and Evolution of Fund Finance in Europe, uncovers the long-standing tradition of innovation and resilience within fund finance, challenging the perception that it is a relatively recent phenomenon.
CEO Monthly Update
Stay informed about the latest developments at the Loan Market Association (LMA) with monthly updates from our CEO, Scott McMunn. Each update highlights key initiatives, recent advancements, and insights into what’s on the horizon. Stay connected with everything happening at the LMA.
LMA Blogs
Stay up to date with the Loan Market Association's (LMA) blog - your go-to source for expert insights and updates on the loan market. Our blog covers everything from regulatory trends and ESG developments to in-depth analyses of market shifts, offering valuable perspectives for industry professionals.