Press Releases

- 13 March 2025LMA publishes its first-ever Sustainable Finance Insights Report on Greenwashing: Understanding and Navigating the Impacts for the Loan Market.
- 12 March 2025LMA responds to ESMA consultation on draft RTS for open-ended loan originating AIFs
- 07 March 2025The LMA responds to the Commission’s call for evidence on the creation of a Savings and Investments Union.
- 27 February 2025The LMA submitted its response to the FSB Consultation on Leverage Risks in NBFIs
- 21 February 2025LMA Fund Finance Insights – The history and evolution of fund finance in Middle East & Africa
- 18 February 2025LMA sets out high-level recommendations on Sustainability Omnibus Proposal
- 10 September 2024LMA responds to FSB's Evaluation of the Effects of the G20 Financial Regulatory Reforms on Securitisation consultation report
- 15 August 2024LMA responds to ESMA's Call for Evidence on the Review of the UCITS Eligible Assets Directive
- 10 June 2024LMA welcomes IOSCO Final Report on Leveraged Loans and CLOs Good Practices for Consideration
- 17 April 2024LMA issues Primary Delayed Settlement Compensation Guidelines to facilitate efficiency in the primary leveraged loan market
- 26 March 2024LMA responds to ESMA Consultation Paper on Securitisation Disclosure Templates
- 11 January 2024Loan Market Association produces reporting templates to help market participants navigate the new EU Directive on Non-performing Loans
- 14 December 2023LMA responds to IOSCO Consultation Report on Good Practices for Leveraged Loans and CLOs
- 06 December 2023LMA Members' Survey: Outlook for the Syndicated Loan Market 2024
- 30 August 2023Appointment of Scott McMunn as Chief Executive Officer
- 26 July 2023LMA.Automate Launches Bilateral Facility Agreement
- 24 May 2023LMA releases results of its 2023 Developing Markets Survey
- 04 May 2023LMA publishes model provisions for sustainability-linked loans
- 20 April 2023LMA releases results of its Real Estate Finance Survey
- 01 December 2022LMA Members' Survey: Outlook for the Syndicated Loan Market 2023
- 10 August 2022LMA publishes a model form CRI policy document
- 12 July 2022LMA releases results of its German Loan Market Survey
- 07 July 2022LMA looks to bolster integrity of the sustainability-linked loan product
- 27 April 2022LMA releases results of its 2022 Developing Markets Survey
- 03 March 2022LMA, APLMA and LSTA announce joint publication of two new ESG guidance documents to support the development of green, social, and sustainability-linked loans
- 15 December 2021LMA Members' Survey: Outlook for the Syndicated Loan Market 2022
- 02 December 2021LMA and ELFA Release Updated Best Practice Guide for Term Sheet Completeness Focusing on ESG Provisions
- 29 November 2021LMA publishes new book "The LMA: 25 Years in the Loan Market"
- 22 October 2021LMA announces launch of new e-learning series providing an introduction to ESG issues and sustainable finance products
- 28 July 2021Loan Market Association and European Leveraged Finance Association publish Best Practice Guide to Sustainability Linked Leveraged Loans
- 21 June 2021Launch of LMA.Automate, a document automation platform for syndicated loan templates
- 17 June 2021LMA releases results of its FinTech Survey
- 28 April 2021LMA releases results of its 2021 Developing Markets Survey
- 13 April 2021LMA Press Release: Global Loan Market Associations launch Social Loan Principles
- 08 December 2020LMA.Automate signs project contract with Allen & Overy and Avvoka to establish a document automation platform for syndicated loan templates
- 03 December 2020LMA releases results of its members' survey: outlook for the syndicated loan market in 2021
- 27 November 2020LMA and ELFA launch Best Practice Guide to Term Sheet Completeness
- 20 October 2020New guidance documents published highlighting potential applications of the GLP in the real estate context
- 11 September 2020LMA publishes an exposure draft multicurrency rate switch facility agreement
- 02 July 2020LMA releases results of its German Loan Market Survey
- 01 July 2020LMA launches new REF security documents
- 19 May 2020LMA releases results of its FinTech Survey
- 05 May 2020Global loan market associations launch new guidance documents to support the Green Loan Principles and the Sustainability Linked Loan Principles
- 26 March 2020LMA announces plans to automate syndicated loan documentation
- 08 December 2020LMA.Automate signs project contract with Allen & Overy and Avvoka to establish a document automation platform for syndicated loan templates
- 03 December 2020LMA releases results of its members' survey: outlook for the syndicated loan market in 2021
- 27 November 2020LMA and ELFA launch Best Practice Guide to Term Sheet Completeness
- 20 October 2020New guidance documents published highlighting potential applications of the GLP in the real estate context
- 11 September 2020LMA publishes an exposure draft multicurrency rate switch facility agreement
- 02 July 2020LMA releases results of its German Loan Market Survey
- 01 July 2020LMA launches new REF security documents
- 19 May 2020LMA releases results of its FinTech Survey
- 05 May 2020Global loan market associations launch new guidance documents to support the Green Loan Principles and the Sustainability Linked Loan Principles
- 26 March 2020LMA announces plans to automate syndicated loan documentation
- 05 December 2019LMA releases results of its members' survey: outlook for the syndicated loan market in 2020
- 25 October 2019LMA publishes exposure draft of reference rate selection agreement for transition of legacy transactions to risk-free rates
- 10 October 2019HM Treasury approves LMA revisions to Sector 17 of the JMLSG Guidance
- 01 October 2019LMA responds to the EBA's Consultation Paper on 'Draft Guidelines on loan origination and monitoring'
- 23 September 2019The LMA publishes exposure drafts of compounded risk-free rate facility agreements for sterling and US dollars
- 26 June 2019LMA responds to HMT consultation in relation to Transposition of the Fifth Money Laundering Directive (the "Consultation")
- 13 June 2019LMA releases results of its German Loan Market Survey
- 23 May 2019LMA releases results of its FinTech Survey
- 15 May 2019LMA releases results of its Nordic Loan Market Survey
- 09 May 2019LMA releases results of its Real Estate Finance Survey
- 30 April 2019LMA releases results of its Developing Markets Survey
- 22 March 2019LMA welcomes Council and Parliament amendments to proposed NPL Directive
- 20 March 2019The LMA, APLMA and LSTA publish Sustainability Linked Loan Principles
- 18 March 2019LMA lobbying efforts on eligibility of guarantees as unfunded credit protection bear fruit
- 12 December 2018LMA releases results of its members' survey: outlook for the syndicated loan market in 2019.
- 11 December 2018The LMA, APLMA and LSTA publish extended iteration of the Green Loan Principles
- 03 December 2018LMA warns against damaging effect on syndicated loan markets and the broader European economy in the event of a hard Brexit
- 31 October 2018LMA announces publication of new Schuldschein Loan Agreements and User Guide
- 18 September 2018LMA and ACT publish second edition of joint guide on "The future of LIBOR: What you need to know"
- 21 June 2018LMA appoints new Board Directors
- 14 June 2018LMA releases results of its German Loan Market Survey
- 08 June 2018LMA highlights potentially negative consequences for the syndicated loan market resulting from the Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on credit servicers, credit purchasers and the recovery of collateral
- 23 May 2018LMA responds to proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on the law applicable to the third-party effects of assignments of claims.
- 22 May 2018LMA revisions to Chapter 17 of the JMLSG Guidance on the prevention of money laundering and the financing of terrorism in the UK financial services industry go live on JMLSG website
- 16 May 2018LMA releases results of its Real Estate Finance Survey
- 15 May 2018LMA releases results of its Nordic Loan Market Survey
- 25 April 2018LMA releases results of its Developing Markets Survey
- 25 April 2018The LMA launches a new Export Credit Agency Buyer Credit Facility Agreement
- 21 March 2018The LMA publishes Green Loan Principles
- 14 March 2018LMA and ACT publish joint guide on "The future of LIBOR: What you need to know"
- 30 January 2018The LMA publishes a recommended Timeline for Settlement of Primary Syndication Incorporating Delayed Settlement Compensation
- 07 December 2017Joint-industry group publishes directory of global and regional green finance policy initiatives
- 06 December 2017LMA releases results of its members' survey: outlook for the syndicated loan market in 2018
- 24 October 2017LMA responds to EU call for feedback on the Development of Secondary Markets for NPLs and Distressed Assets and Protection of Secured Creditors from Borrowers' Default
- 25 September 2017LMA appoints new Chairman
- 20 September 2017LMA conference attracts the largest audience ever in its 10th year
- 06 July 2017LMA launches template Italian law private placement documentation
- 29 June 2017LMA appoints new Board Directors
- 14 June 2017LMA releases result of its German Loan Market Survey
- 30 May 2017LMA responds to the JMLSG consultation on the revisions to Parts II and III of its Guidance on the prevention of money laundering and the financing of terrorism in the UK financial services industry
- 23 May 2017LMA releases results of its Nordic Loan Market Survey
- 17 May 2017LMA releases results of its Real Estate Finance Survey
- 16 May 2017LMA responds to the UK BEIS Call for Evidence on a Register of Beneficial Owners of Overseas Companies and Other Legal Entities that own UK Property
- 26 April 2017LMA releases results of its Developing Markets Survey
- 22 March 2017LMA responds to the European Commission's Consultation on the Capital Markets Union Mid-Term Review 2017
- 08 March 2017Loan market trends impacting both sides of the Atlantic
- 01 February 2017LMA responds to the UK Treasury Committee's Call for Evidence on EU Exit and Transitional Arrangements
- 30 January 2017LMA response to European Central Bank's (ECB) Consultation Paper: Draft Guidance on Leveraged Transactions
- 12 December 2016Outlook for the syndicated loan market in 2017 and expectations for the next 20 years
- 01 December 201620 Years in the Loan Market
- 18 November 2016LMA updates leveraged finance documentation and launches REF security document
- 11 November 2016LMA responds to HMT consultation in relation to Transposition of the Fourth Money Laundering Directive (the "Consultation")
- 09 September 2016Record delegate numbers again at annual LMA Conference
- 30 August 2016LMA launches Intercreditor Agreement for Real Estate Finance Transactions (contractual subordination only)
- 07 July 2016LMA responds to Insolvency Service's review of the Corporate Insolvency Framework
- 30 June 2016LMA appoints new Board Directors
- 08 June 2016LMA releases results of its German Loan Market Survey
- 01 June 2016LMA launches German language version of its German law commercial real estate finance document
- 23 May 2016LMA releases results of its Nordic Loan Market Survey
- 02 May 2016LMA releases results of its Real Estate Finance Survey
- 26 April 2016Results of LMA's Developing Markets Survey
- 20 January 2016Roland Boehm to remain LMA Chairman
- 23 December 2015LMA welcomes UK Government's announcement of a new withholding tax exemption in respect of private placements
- 03 December 2015Outlook for the syndicated loan market in 2016
- 25 November 2015LMA releases results of its German REF Survey
- 24 November 2015LMA launches new German law commercial real estate finance document
- 01 October 2015LMA publishes a guide to financial regulation and the loan market
- 28 September 2015Record number of delegates at LMA annual conference
- 25 June 2015LMA responds to the European Banking Authority's (EBA) Consultation Paper: Draft Guidelines on limits on exposures to shadow banking entities which carry out banking activities outside a regulated framework
- 18 June 2015LMA appoints new Board Directors
- 16 June 2015LMA adds secured option to its suite of South African Facility Agreements and Zambian law option to its Sub-Saharan African Facility Agreement
- 11 June 2015LMA releases results of its German Loan Market Survey
- 20 May 2015LMA releases results of its Nordic Loan Market Survey
- 18 May 2015LMA releases results of its Real Estate Finance Survey
- 14 May 2015LMA publishes "The Real Estate Loan Book"
- 13 May 2015LMA responds to European Commission Green Paper: "Building a Capital Markets Union"
- 12 May 2015The LMA has responded to the European Commission Consultation Document: An EU framework for simple, transparent and standardised (STS) securitisations.
- 30 April 2015Results of the LMA's Developing Markets Survey
- 06 January 2015LMA launches template private placement documentation
- 04 December 2014LMA surveys membership on outlook for the syndicated loan market in 2015
- 04 December 2014LMA welcomes UK Government's announcement of a new withholding tax exemption in respect of private placements
- 17 November 2014LMA launches new Term Sheet for use in real estate finance transactions
- 12 November 2014LMA launches new Super Senior High Yield Facility and Intercreditor Documentation
- 10 September 2014Record attendance of over 850 delegates at the LMA's annual conference
- 30 July 2014LMA hosts first Southern Africa conference in Johannesburg
- 30 July 2014LMA launches suite of African documents
- 07 July 2014LMA responds to the ECB and the Bank of England ("the Central Banks") consultation for a better functioning securitisation market
- 19 June 2014Appointment of LMA Board
- 11 June 2014Results of the LMA's German Loan Market Survey
- 10 June 2014LMA launches new Intercreditor Agreement for use in real estate finance transactions
- 08 May 2014Is Europe's real estate finance market in a new era?
- 26 March 2014LMA hosts first Developing Markets conference & releases results of its survey
- 14 March 2014Not back to business as usual after all: 83% of MIPIM participants surveyed believe REF market is in a "new normal"
- 19 February 2014LMA announces publication of a guide to Schuldschein loans
- 28 January 2014LMA forms working party to produce template private placement documentation
- 11 December 2013LMA surveys membership on outlook for the syndicated loan market in 2014
- 14 November 2013LMA announces plan to integrate with ALMA
- 12 November 2013LMA launches new super senior documents for use in leveraged acquisition finance transactions
- 20 September 2013800 delegates attend the LMA's annual conference
- 19 September 2013LMA publishes "Developing Loan Markets" book
- 03 September 2013LMA promotes liquidity in developing markets by launching new documentation
- 09 July 2013LMA consults with European Commission on structural reform of the banking sector
- 26 June 2013LMA consults with European Commission on long-term financing solutions
- 31 May 2013LMA focuses on growing international markets with new documentation
- 13 May 2013LMA launches new commercial real estate finance development document
- 08 May 2013LMA membership reaches 500 organisations
- 29 January 2013LMA welcomes release of final FATCA Regulations
- 19 December 2012LMA surveys membership on outlook for the syndicated loan market in 2013
- 23 October 2012LMA consults with European Commission to request inclusion of loans within UCITS framework
- 24 September 2012800 delegates attend the LMA's Syndicated Loans Conference
- 20 September 2012LMA launches new PXF facility agreement
- 20 September 2012LMA launches new facility agreement for developing market jurisdictions
- 17 September 2012LMA produces revised versions of its Leveraged Facilities Agreement and Intercreditor Agreement
- 15 August 2012LMA announce appointment of new director to join executive team
- 19 July 2012LMA welcomes important result on Dodd-Frank
- 21 June 2012LMA appoints new Board Directors
- 16 April 2012LMA launches new commercial real estate finance document
- 09 February 2012LMA consults with BIS to improve mid-market access to non-bank debt
- 04 January 2012LMA voices its concerns on the impact of CRD IV on the syndicated loan market
- 19 December 2011Roland Boehm replaces Ian Fitzgerald as LMA Chairman
- 16 September 2011Over 770 delegates attend the LMA's annual conference
- 15 September 2011The LMA's new book
- 30 June 2011LMA elects new Board Directors
- 06 June 2011LMA issues guidelines on "Transparency and the use of information"
- 13 April 2011Electronic loan trading platform to become available soon
- 01 October 2010Over 700 delegates at LMA Syndicated Loans Conference
- 22 July 2010Bank of England (BoE) to extend the range of collateral eligible in the Discount Window Facility (DWF) to include portfolios of loans
- 08 July 2010LMA elects new Board Directors
- 24 June 2010LMA forms liquidity working party
- 04 May 2010LMA membership numbers at all time high
- 20 April 2010LMA response to new capital requirements consultations
- 15 February 2010LMA response to HMT discussion paper on non-bank lending
- 26 January 2010LMA launches combined par/distressed trading documents
- 25 November 2009LMA produces revised form of Intercreditor Agreement following discussions with Mezzanine lenders
- 24 November 2009David Fewtrell steps down from the LMA Board
- 08 September 2009LMA response to the Insolvency Service consultation on possible changes to corporate insolvency law
- 21 July 2009Loan Market Association elects new Directors
- 10 July 2009LMA launches guidance to market participants re Amendments & Waivers
- 30 June 2009LMA launches documentation to address Finance Party default and recent market disruption
- 17 June 2009Discussions with UK Takeover Panel: disclosure of information to potential lenders
- 30 April 2009LMA welcomes Insolvency Service consultation on possible changes to corporate insolvency law
- 30 March 2009ACT and LMA welcome HMRC consultation on UK treaty relief claims process
- 02 March 2009LMA launches its new recommended form of Intercreditor Agreement
- 24 February 2009LMA launches new guidelines for MLAs and recommendations on the syndication timeline
- 29 September 2008LMA launches debt buy-back language
- 24 September 2008LMA Launches Co-ordinating Committee Letters
- 18 September 2008Dealing with Lehman companies in administration
- 19 June 2008Market practices for issuers of non-investment grade debt securities - joint statement
- 17 June 2008Market practices for issuers of non-investment grade debt securities - press release
- 30 May 2008LMA statement on debt buy-back
- 23 January 2008LMA seeks industry solution for loan operations/settlements
- 17 September 2007New German law primary document launched
- 07 August 2007Private and Inside Information in the Loan Market
- 25 July 2007LMA elects new chairman and new directors
- 14 December 2006Joint Statement regarding communication and use of material non-public information
- 14 December 2006Press release re JMPF non-public information paper
- 23 October 2006Financial Covenant Provisions published
- 20 April 2006Membership Update press release
- 05 April 2006Dealing with confidential and price sensitive information
- 05 April 2006LMA launches paper on dealing with non-public information
- 04 April 2006LMA selects Markit to provide European Loan Prices
- 27 February 2006Loan Market Association GCC Conference
- 16 December 2005Loan Market Association launches revised Leveraged Document
- 25 October 2005LMA and LSTA issue new Users Guide for Revised Distressed Trading Documents
- 20 October 2005LMA appoints new Associate Director - Simon Ling-Locke
- 29 September 2005LMA elects Board and New Chairman
- 21 September 2005Distressed Debt press release
- 19 September 2005Delayed Settlement Compensation Press Release
- 01 August 2005LMA launches new 'major operational disruption' wording in primary documents
All Press Releases
- 13 March 2025LMA publishes its first-ever Sustainable Finance Insights Report on Greenwashing: Understanding and Navigating the Impacts for the Loan Market.
- 12 March 2025LMA responds to ESMA consultation on draft RTS for open-ended loan originating AIFs
- 07 March 2025The LMA responds to the Commission’s call for evidence on the creation of a Savings and Investments Union.
- 27 February 2025The LMA submitted its response to the FSB Consultation on Leverage Risks in NBFIs
- 21 February 2025LMA Fund Finance Insights – The history and evolution of fund finance in Middle East & Africa
- 18 February 2025LMA sets out high-level recommendations on Sustainability Omnibus Proposal
- 10 September 2024LMA responds to FSB's Evaluation of the Effects of the G20 Financial Regulatory Reforms on Securitisation consultation report
- 15 August 2024LMA responds to ESMA's Call for Evidence on the Review of the UCITS Eligible Assets Directive
- 10 June 2024LMA welcomes IOSCO Final Report on Leveraged Loans and CLOs Good Practices for Consideration
- 17 April 2024LMA issues Primary Delayed Settlement Compensation Guidelines to facilitate efficiency in the primary leveraged loan market
- 26 March 2024LMA responds to ESMA Consultation Paper on Securitisation Disclosure Templates
- 11 January 2024Loan Market Association produces reporting templates to help market participants navigate the new EU Directive on Non-performing Loans
- 14 December 2023LMA responds to IOSCO Consultation Report on Good Practices for Leveraged Loans and CLOs
- 06 December 2023LMA Members' Survey: Outlook for the Syndicated Loan Market 2024
- 30 August 2023Appointment of Scott McMunn as Chief Executive Officer
- 26 July 2023LMA.Automate Launches Bilateral Facility Agreement
- 24 May 2023LMA releases results of its 2023 Developing Markets Survey
- 04 May 2023LMA publishes model provisions for sustainability-linked loans
- 20 April 2023LMA releases results of its Real Estate Finance Survey
- 01 December 2022LMA Members' Survey: Outlook for the Syndicated Loan Market 2023
- 10 August 2022LMA publishes a model form CRI policy document
- 12 July 2022LMA releases results of its German Loan Market Survey
- 07 July 2022LMA looks to bolster integrity of the sustainability-linked loan product
- 27 April 2022LMA releases results of its 2022 Developing Markets Survey
- 03 March 2022LMA, APLMA and LSTA announce joint publication of two new ESG guidance documents to support the development of green, social, and sustainability-linked loans
- 15 December 2021LMA Members' Survey: Outlook for the Syndicated Loan Market 2022
- 02 December 2021LMA and ELFA Release Updated Best Practice Guide for Term Sheet Completeness Focusing on ESG Provisions
- 29 November 2021LMA publishes new book "The LMA: 25 Years in the Loan Market"
- 22 October 2021LMA announces launch of new e-learning series providing an introduction to ESG issues and sustainable finance products
- 28 July 2021Loan Market Association and European Leveraged Finance Association publish Best Practice Guide to Sustainability Linked Leveraged Loans
- 21 June 2021Launch of LMA.Automate, a document automation platform for syndicated loan templates
- 17 June 2021LMA releases results of its FinTech Survey
- 28 April 2021LMA releases results of its 2021 Developing Markets Survey
- 13 April 2021LMA Press Release: Global Loan Market Associations launch Social Loan Principles
- 08 December 2020LMA.Automate signs project contract with Allen & Overy and Avvoka to establish a document automation platform for syndicated loan templates
- 03 December 2020LMA releases results of its members' survey: outlook for the syndicated loan market in 2021
- 27 November 2020LMA and ELFA launch Best Practice Guide to Term Sheet Completeness
- 20 October 2020New guidance documents published highlighting potential applications of the GLP in the real estate context
- 11 September 2020LMA publishes an exposure draft multicurrency rate switch facility agreement
- 02 July 2020LMA releases results of its German Loan Market Survey
- 01 July 2020LMA launches new REF security documents
- 19 May 2020LMA releases results of its FinTech Survey
- 05 May 2020Global loan market associations launch new guidance documents to support the Green Loan Principles and the Sustainability Linked Loan Principles
- 26 March 2020LMA announces plans to automate syndicated loan documentation
- 05 December 2019LMA releases results of its members' survey: outlook for the syndicated loan market in 2020
- 25 October 2019LMA publishes exposure draft of reference rate selection agreement for transition of legacy transactions to risk-free rates
- 10 October 2019HM Treasury approves LMA revisions to Sector 17 of the JMLSG Guidance
- 01 October 2019LMA responds to the EBA's Consultation Paper on 'Draft Guidelines on loan origination and monitoring'
- 23 September 2019The LMA publishes exposure drafts of compounded risk-free rate facility agreements for sterling and US dollars
- 26 June 2019LMA responds to HMT consultation in relation to Transposition of the Fifth Money Laundering Directive (the "Consultation")
- 13 June 2019LMA releases results of its German Loan Market Survey
- 23 May 2019LMA releases results of its FinTech Survey
- 15 May 2019LMA releases results of its Nordic Loan Market Survey
- 09 May 2019LMA releases results of its Real Estate Finance Survey
- 30 April 2019LMA releases results of its Developing Markets Survey
- 22 March 2019LMA welcomes Council and Parliament amendments to proposed NPL Directive
- 20 March 2019The LMA, APLMA and LSTA publish Sustainability Linked Loan Principles
- 18 March 2019LMA lobbying efforts on eligibility of guarantees as unfunded credit protection bear fruit
- 12 December 2018LMA releases results of its members' survey: outlook for the syndicated loan market in 2019.
- 11 December 2018The LMA, APLMA and LSTA publish extended iteration of the Green Loan Principles
- 03 December 2018LMA warns against damaging effect on syndicated loan markets and the broader European economy in the event of a hard Brexit
- 31 October 2018LMA announces publication of new Schuldschein Loan Agreements and User Guide
- 18 September 2018LMA and ACT publish second edition of joint guide on "The future of LIBOR: What you need to know"
- 21 June 2018LMA appoints new Board Directors
- 14 June 2018LMA releases results of its German Loan Market Survey
- 08 June 2018LMA highlights potentially negative consequences for the syndicated loan market resulting from the Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on credit servicers, credit purchasers and the recovery of collateral
- 23 May 2018LMA responds to proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on the law applicable to the third-party effects of assignments of claims.
- 22 May 2018LMA revisions to Chapter 17 of the JMLSG Guidance on the prevention of money laundering and the financing of terrorism in the UK financial services industry go live on JMLSG website
- 16 May 2018LMA releases results of its Real Estate Finance Survey
- 15 May 2018LMA releases results of its Nordic Loan Market Survey
- 25 April 2018LMA releases results of its Developing Markets Survey
- 25 April 2018The LMA launches a new Export Credit Agency Buyer Credit Facility Agreement
- 21 March 2018The LMA publishes Green Loan Principles
- 14 March 2018LMA and ACT publish joint guide on "The future of LIBOR: What you need to know"
- 30 January 2018The LMA publishes a recommended Timeline for Settlement of Primary Syndication Incorporating Delayed Settlement Compensation
- 07 December 2017Joint-industry group publishes directory of global and regional green finance policy initiatives
- 06 December 2017LMA releases results of its members' survey: outlook for the syndicated loan market in 2018
- 24 October 2017LMA responds to EU call for feedback on the Development of Secondary Markets for NPLs and Distressed Assets and Protection of Secured Creditors from Borrowers' Default
- 25 September 2017LMA appoints new Chairman
- 20 September 2017LMA conference attracts the largest audience ever in its 10th year
- 06 July 2017LMA launches template Italian law private placement documentation
- 29 June 2017LMA appoints new Board Directors
- 14 June 2017LMA releases result of its German Loan Market Survey
- 30 May 2017LMA responds to the JMLSG consultation on the revisions to Parts II and III of its Guidance on the prevention of money laundering and the financing of terrorism in the UK financial services industry
- 23 May 2017LMA releases results of its Nordic Loan Market Survey
- 17 May 2017LMA releases results of its Real Estate Finance Survey
- 16 May 2017LMA responds to the UK BEIS Call for Evidence on a Register of Beneficial Owners of Overseas Companies and Other Legal Entities that own UK Property
- 26 April 2017LMA releases results of its Developing Markets Survey
- 22 March 2017LMA responds to the European Commission's Consultation on the Capital Markets Union Mid-Term Review 2017
- 08 March 2017Loan market trends impacting both sides of the Atlantic
- 01 February 2017LMA responds to the UK Treasury Committee's Call for Evidence on EU Exit and Transitional Arrangements
- 30 January 2017LMA response to European Central Bank's (ECB) Consultation Paper: Draft Guidance on Leveraged Transactions
- 12 December 2016Outlook for the syndicated loan market in 2017 and expectations for the next 20 years
- 01 December 201620 Years in the Loan Market
- 18 November 2016LMA updates leveraged finance documentation and launches REF security document
- 11 November 2016LMA responds to HMT consultation in relation to Transposition of the Fourth Money Laundering Directive (the "Consultation")
- 09 September 2016Record delegate numbers again at annual LMA Conference
- 30 August 2016LMA launches Intercreditor Agreement for Real Estate Finance Transactions (contractual subordination only)
- 07 July 2016LMA responds to Insolvency Service's review of the Corporate Insolvency Framework
- 30 June 2016LMA appoints new Board Directors
- 08 June 2016LMA releases results of its German Loan Market Survey
- 01 June 2016LMA launches German language version of its German law commercial real estate finance document
- 23 May 2016LMA releases results of its Nordic Loan Market Survey
- 02 May 2016LMA releases results of its Real Estate Finance Survey
- 26 April 2016Results of LMA's Developing Markets Survey
- 20 January 2016Roland Boehm to remain LMA Chairman
- 23 December 2015LMA welcomes UK Government's announcement of a new withholding tax exemption in respect of private placements
- 03 December 2015Outlook for the syndicated loan market in 2016
- 25 November 2015LMA releases results of its German REF Survey
- 24 November 2015LMA launches new German law commercial real estate finance document
- 01 October 2015LMA publishes a guide to financial regulation and the loan market
- 28 September 2015Record number of delegates at LMA annual conference
- 25 June 2015LMA responds to the European Banking Authority's (EBA) Consultation Paper: Draft Guidelines on limits on exposures to shadow banking entities which carry out banking activities outside a regulated framework
- 18 June 2015LMA appoints new Board Directors
- 16 June 2015LMA adds secured option to its suite of South African Facility Agreements and Zambian law option to its Sub-Saharan African Facility Agreement
- 11 June 2015LMA releases results of its German Loan Market Survey
- 20 May 2015LMA releases results of its Nordic Loan Market Survey
- 18 May 2015LMA releases results of its Real Estate Finance Survey
- 14 May 2015LMA publishes "The Real Estate Loan Book"
- 13 May 2015LMA responds to European Commission Green Paper: "Building a Capital Markets Union"
- 12 May 2015The LMA has responded to the European Commission Consultation Document: An EU framework for simple, transparent and standardised (STS) securitisations.
- 30 April 2015Results of the LMA's Developing Markets Survey
- 06 January 2015LMA launches template private placement documentation
- 04 December 2014LMA surveys membership on outlook for the syndicated loan market in 2015
- 04 December 2014LMA welcomes UK Government's announcement of a new withholding tax exemption in respect of private placements
- 17 November 2014LMA launches new Term Sheet for use in real estate finance transactions
- 12 November 2014LMA launches new Super Senior High Yield Facility and Intercreditor Documentation
- 10 September 2014Record attendance of over 850 delegates at the LMA's annual conference
- 30 July 2014LMA hosts first Southern Africa conference in Johannesburg
- 30 July 2014LMA launches suite of African documents
- 07 July 2014LMA responds to the ECB and the Bank of England ("the Central Banks") consultation for a better functioning securitisation market
- 19 June 2014Appointment of LMA Board
- 11 June 2014Results of the LMA's German Loan Market Survey
- 10 June 2014LMA launches new Intercreditor Agreement for use in real estate finance transactions
- 08 May 2014Is Europe's real estate finance market in a new era?
- 26 March 2014LMA hosts first Developing Markets conference & releases results of its survey
- 14 March 2014Not back to business as usual after all: 83% of MIPIM participants surveyed believe REF market is in a "new normal"
- 19 February 2014LMA announces publication of a guide to Schuldschein loans
- 28 January 2014LMA forms working party to produce template private placement documentation
- 11 December 2013LMA surveys membership on outlook for the syndicated loan market in 2014
- 14 November 2013LMA announces plan to integrate with ALMA
- 12 November 2013LMA launches new super senior documents for use in leveraged acquisition finance transactions
- 20 September 2013800 delegates attend the LMA's annual conference
- 19 September 2013LMA publishes "Developing Loan Markets" book
- 03 September 2013LMA promotes liquidity in developing markets by launching new documentation
- 09 July 2013LMA consults with European Commission on structural reform of the banking sector
- 26 June 2013LMA consults with European Commission on long-term financing solutions
- 31 May 2013LMA focuses on growing international markets with new documentation
- 13 May 2013LMA launches new commercial real estate finance development document
- 08 May 2013LMA membership reaches 500 organisations
- 29 January 2013LMA welcomes release of final FATCA Regulations
- 19 December 2012LMA surveys membership on outlook for the syndicated loan market in 2013
- 23 October 2012LMA consults with European Commission to request inclusion of loans within UCITS framework
- 24 September 2012800 delegates attend the LMA's Syndicated Loans Conference
- 20 September 2012LMA launches new PXF facility agreement
- 20 September 2012LMA launches new facility agreement for developing market jurisdictions
- 17 September 2012LMA produces revised versions of its Leveraged Facilities Agreement and Intercreditor Agreement
- 15 August 2012LMA announce appointment of new director to join executive team
- 19 July 2012LMA welcomes important result on Dodd-Frank
- 21 June 2012LMA appoints new Board Directors
- 16 April 2012LMA launches new commercial real estate finance document
- 09 February 2012LMA consults with BIS to improve mid-market access to non-bank debt
- 04 January 2012LMA voices its concerns on the impact of CRD IV on the syndicated loan market
- 19 December 2011Roland Boehm replaces Ian Fitzgerald as LMA Chairman
- 16 September 2011Over 770 delegates attend the LMA's annual conference
- 15 September 2011The LMA's new book
- 30 June 2011LMA elects new Board Directors
- 06 June 2011LMA issues guidelines on "Transparency and the use of information"
- 13 April 2011Electronic loan trading platform to become available soon
- 01 October 2010Over 700 delegates at LMA Syndicated Loans Conference
- 22 July 2010Bank of England (BoE) to extend the range of collateral eligible in the Discount Window Facility (DWF) to include portfolios of loans
- 08 July 2010LMA elects new Board Directors
- 24 June 2010LMA forms liquidity working party
- 04 May 2010LMA membership numbers at all time high
- 20 April 2010LMA response to new capital requirements consultations
- 15 February 2010LMA response to HMT discussion paper on non-bank lending
- 26 January 2010LMA launches combined par/distressed trading documents
- 25 November 2009LMA produces revised form of Intercreditor Agreement following discussions with Mezzanine lenders
- 24 November 2009David Fewtrell steps down from the LMA Board
- 08 September 2009LMA response to the Insolvency Service consultation on possible changes to corporate insolvency law
- 21 July 2009Loan Market Association elects new Directors
- 10 July 2009LMA launches guidance to market participants re Amendments & Waivers
- 30 June 2009LMA launches documentation to address Finance Party default and recent market disruption
- 17 June 2009Discussions with UK Takeover Panel: disclosure of information to potential lenders
- 30 April 2009LMA welcomes Insolvency Service consultation on possible changes to corporate insolvency law
- 30 March 2009ACT and LMA welcome HMRC consultation on UK treaty relief claims process
- 02 March 2009LMA launches its new recommended form of Intercreditor Agreement
- 24 February 2009LMA launches new guidelines for MLAs and recommendations on the syndication timeline
- 29 September 2008LMA launches debt buy-back language
- 24 September 2008LMA Launches Co-ordinating Committee Letters
- 18 September 2008Dealing with Lehman companies in administration
- 19 June 2008Market practices for issuers of non-investment grade debt securities - joint statement
- 17 June 2008Market practices for issuers of non-investment grade debt securities - press release
- 30 May 2008LMA statement on debt buy-back
- 23 January 2008LMA seeks industry solution for loan operations/settlements
- 17 September 2007New German law primary document launched
- 07 August 2007Private and Inside Information in the Loan Market
- 25 July 2007LMA elects new chairman and new directors
- 14 December 2006Joint Statement regarding communication and use of material non-public information
- 14 December 2006Press release re JMPF non-public information paper
- 23 October 2006Financial Covenant Provisions published
- 20 April 2006Membership Update press release
- 05 April 2006Dealing with confidential and price sensitive information
- 05 April 2006LMA launches paper on dealing with non-public information
- 04 April 2006LMA selects Markit to provide European Loan Prices
- 27 February 2006Loan Market Association GCC Conference
- 16 December 2005Loan Market Association launches revised Leveraged Document
- 25 October 2005LMA and LSTA issue new Users Guide for Revised Distressed Trading Documents
- 20 October 2005LMA appoints new Associate Director - Simon Ling-Locke
- 29 September 2005LMA elects Board and New Chairman
- 21 September 2005Distressed Debt press release
- 19 September 2005Delayed Settlement Compensation Press Release
- 01 August 2005LMA launches new 'major operational disruption' wording in primary documents